The 74LS96 is a 5-bit shift register with both serial and parallel (ones transfer) data entry. Since the ’96 has the output of each stage available as well as a D-type serial input and ones transfer inputs on each stage, it can be used 5-bit serial- to-parallel, serial-to-serial and some parallel-to-serial data operations. The 74LS96 is five master/slave flip-flops connected to perform right shift. The flip- flops change state on the LOW-HIGH transition of the clock. The Serial (S) input is edge-triggered and must be stable only one set-up time before the LOW to HIGH clock transition.
? 5-bit parallel-to-serial or serial-to-parallel converter
? Asynchronous transfer preset entry
? Buffered positive-triggered clock
? Buffered active LOW Clear
Symbol Parameter Values Unit
VCC Supply Voltage 7 V
VIN Input Voltage -0.5 to 7.0 V
IIN Input Current -30 to 1 m A
VOUT Voltage applied to output in HIGH output State -0.5 to Vcc V
TA Operating Free Air Temperature 0 to 70 ?C
Related Document:-
74LS96 IC Datasheet
* Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from actual product.